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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Processing the Impact of the Pandemic on Young Children and Ourselves

Processing the Impact of the Pandemic on Young Children and Ourselves

Tracy Schreifels,  Executive Director of Ellison Center in St. Cloud, MN joins us for an important conversation centered around the pandemic and what it was like for young children and their families.  We discuss some key questions that can help us to begin to process the impact. What are our bodies holding related to this trauma?  How do we process and name our experiences so we can start to heal?  How do we help young children organize their experiences and move forward? 

(Length: 25:35)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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The Successful Learner Equation

The Successful Learner Equation

Inclusion Matters welcomes Olivia Christensen and Jon Vaupel from the Minnesota Department of Education, Division of Early Learning to discuss supporting children and their learning pathway-starting with kindergarten.  This podcast highlights the Successful Learner Equation, which recognizes that children are always ready to learn and that it is the responsibility of adults and systems to be ready to support all children as they grow and develop, and as they transition to kindergarten.  Listen and learn more about this exciting way to look at a child’s foundation for learning.  

(Length: 35:32)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Autism Diagnosis: One Family’s Experience

Autism Diagnosis: One Family’s Experience

This podcast episode allows us to hear a unique perspective from a parent as she looks back over her family’s journey through a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Each path is unique in this process and we are able to hear the ups and downs from her individual perspective and learn what is working for her child, based on his needs.

(Length: 41:56)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Apoyo de coaching de CICC: No estás solo (CICC Coaching Support: You Are Not Alone)

Apoyo de coaching de CICC: No estás solo (CICC Coaching Support: You Are Not Alone)

Escuche a nuestra entrenadora de CICC, Karina Pliego Vergara, describir la forma en que el coaching gratuito de CICC puede mejorar y apoyar el trabajo que realiza como educador de la primera infancia para brindar atención de calidad a todos los niños.

Listen as our CICC Coach, Karina Pliego Vergara describes the way CICC free coaching can enhance and support the work you do as an early childhood educator to provide quality care for all children.

(Length: 10:54)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Sensory Supports for Young Children Who Have or Are Experiencing Trauma

Sensory Supports for Young Children Who Have or Are Experiencing Trauma

Pediatric Occupational Therapist Alyssa Mason joins us for another discussion about the sensory needs of young children in our care. For those who have experienced trauma or may be experiencing trauma, what can we provide related to support, how do we understand possible triggers, and how can we be informed and in-tune to a child and the messages they are sending through their behavior?  This podcast recording was funded by Greater Twin Cities United Way (GTCUW) 80x3 - Resilient from the Start.

(Length: 24:04)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Supporting Sensory Needs Through Transitions

Supporting Sensory Needs Through Transitions

In this episode we welcome back Pediatric Occupational Therapist, Alyssa Mason.  We discuss ways to support all children, and especially those with sensory differences, during key transitions in the early childhood setting.  Lunch and naptime are often tricky and Alyssa helps set children and adults up for success with her strategies. This podcast recording was funded by Greater Twin Cities United Way (GTCUW) 80x3 - Resilient from the Start.

(Length: 30:49)