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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Part 1: Supporting Infants and Toddlers through Routine Separations and Reunions

Part 1: Supporting Infants and Toddlers through Routine Separations and Reunions

Listen as Beth Menninga, our CICC Coaching Manager, joins Inclusion Matters and shares key practices to support our youngest learners through common daily separations and reunions. 

(Length: 31:02)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Part 2: Supporting Quality Play Relationships-Preschoolers

Part 2: Supporting Quality Play Relationships-Preschoolers

Join in our second part of a discussion on the importance of play with Dr. Sue Starks, Professor of Education and Chair of Early Childhood at Concordia University St. Paul.  We discuss the fact that play is a developmental need and that all children show us what they need through play.  Quality play is encouraged through the supports, prompts, activities, and experiences that we provide in the early childhood setting. Listen as Dr. Starks encourages us all to play!

(Length: 20:39)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Part 1: Supporting Quality Play Relationships-Infants and Toddlers

Part 1: Supporting Quality Play Relationships-Infants and Toddlers

Listen as our guest, Dr. Sue Starks, Professor of Education and Chair of Early Childhood at Concordia University St. Paul, talks about one of her passions, supporting play in young children.  Dr. Starks shares that play is relationship based and your environment matters.  How can you align your space to foster early social emotional connection through play? Join us as we explore this important topic. 

(Length: 23:15)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Early Childhood Special Education: The Role of the ECSE Teacher

Early Childhood Special Education: The Role of the ECSE Teacher

Join us as we hear from our CICC Intern, Loretta Campbell, Early Childhood Special Educator (ECSE) and Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Master’s student.  We discuss the role of the ECSE teacher and the relationship between special education and child care, highlighting key relationship-building and support for the family which benefits the child and all who care for them.

(Length: 19:51)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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CMV and Congenital CMV: Part 2

CMV and Congenital CMV: Part 2

Join us for this important episode of Inclusion Matters as we discuss critical information for all those interacting with young children.  Our expert guests, Gina Liverseed, CMV Nurse Specialist, Minnesota Department of Health, and Amanda Devereaux, Program Director, National CMV Foundation, give an overview of CMV or Cytomegalovirus, share facts about who is at risk, how it is spread, symptoms, treatment, and ways that we can deter the spread of CMV in early childhood settings.

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(Length: 16:33)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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CMV and Congenital CMV: Part 1

CMV and Congenital CMV: Part 1

Join us for this important episode of Inclusion Matters as we discuss critical information for all those interacting with young children.  Our expert guests, Gina Liverseed, CMV Nurse Specialist, Minnesota Department of Health, and Amanda Devereaux, Program Director, National CMV Foundation, give an overview of CMV or Cytomegalovirus, share facts about who is at risk, how it is spread, symptoms, treatment, and ways that we can deter the spread of CMV in early childhood settings.

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(Length: 16:35)