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Resource Name Description Resource Type
11 Tips for Teaching Preschool Online "From scavenger hunts to obstacle courses to read-alouds, many activities from the classroom can be adapted for little kids learning from home." Here are some great ideas from Jessica Young at Edutopia. Website
12 Tipos de Juegos (12 Types of Play) Hay una variedad de tipos de juegos, y cada uno es importante para un crecimiento y desarrollo saludables. Esta hoja de consejos presenta los doce tipos de juegos clave. There are a variety of types of play, and each is important for healthy growth and development. This tip sheet introduces the twelve key types of play. Tipsheet
12 Types of Play There are a variety of types of play, and each is important for healthy growth and development. This tip sheet introduces the twelve key types of play. Tipsheet
12 Ways to Support Language Development with Infants and Toddlers This short, sweet list is a helpful resource for families and early care and education professionals. Website
15 Adorable Facts About How Babies Learn This article, in Mental Floss, offered this and other insights: "A 2012 study of 1-year-old infants found that interactive music classes lead to better communication. The babies learned to play percussion instruments and sing songs with their parents in an early music class. Compared with a control group, these children showed a greater sensitivity to musical structures and tones, along with better early communication skills like waving goodbye or pointing to an object they wanted." Website
15 Children's Books to Celebrate Women's History Month From PBS Kids for Parents, "In honor of Women’s History Month, here are 15 books about impactful and inspirational historic and modern-day women. While some of these women are well-known, others are not — yet all of them have made an important mark on the world." Website
4 Books That Inspire Algebraic Thinking in Young Children "When someone says something like algebra begins in pre-kindergarten (or before), immediately others may begin to question their sanity. But the foundations of algebraic thinking do begin with core concepts that take shape early, such as comparing and ordering objects or patterns and the rules they are governed by." Check out this great resource from the Erikson Institute Early Math Collaborative. Website
4 S's of Attachment From DANIEL J. SIEGEL, M.D. AND TINA PAYNE BRYSON, Ph.D: Children who form secure attachments with their caregivers lead happier and more fulfilling lives. These bonds are formed when parents respond to the needs of their children by providing the Four S’s. Here is a great " refrigerator sheet." Document
4 Sensory Snow Activities to Try It's important to opportunities for young children to discover the environment around them and getting outside is important for everyone’s health. One of the best ways to do this is through sensory activities that combine playful fun and constructive learning.  Website
5 Estrategias efectivas de gestión del aula que se centran en la educación de la primera infancia (5 Effective Classroom Management Strategies That Focus On Early Childhood Education) Únase a Karina Elze, miembro de la junta directiva en CICC y anteriormente especialista en RBPD, mientras habla con Susana Villegas, maestra de Pre-K. Ellas compartirán una combinación de estrategias para administrar su salón de clases de Pre-K, abordando estilos de aprendizaje que se enfoquen en los estudiantes y de esta manera motivarlos a aprender más.Join Karina Elze, board member at CICC and former RBPD specialist, as she speaks with Susana Villegas, Pre-K teacher. They will share a combination of strategies for managing your Pre-K classroom, addressing learning styles that focus on students and thus motivate them to learn more. Podcast