
Resource Library
Our Resource Library contains materials and assistance for early childhood educators and those they serve. Explore our selection of podcasts, tip sheets, websites, documents, and self-study courses.
Results: Page 4 of 22
Resource Name | Description | Resource Type |
Behavior in the Early Childhood Setting (Part 2) Proactive Ways to Help Lessen Behaviors that Challenge Us | Angeline Kallhoff and Tari Niemeyer, two of our CICC coaches, join us to continue our discussion of ways to respond to young children when they exhibit challenging behavior. They share some proactive ways to set both you as the caregiver and the child up for success and calm the situation. | Podcast |
Behavior in the Early Childhood Setting (Part 1) Common Responses to Behaviors that Challenge Us | Join us for our podcast episode with two of our CICC coaches, Angeline Kallhoff and Tari Niemeyer as we discuss some common responses to behavior challenges that may occur in the early childhood setting. They discuss how our verbal response has the ability to teach a child some new skills if we think about how we phrase things. | Podcast |
Behavioral Health Resources for Children and Families | About ECDThe Office of Early Childhood Development and the federal government are committed to advancing the integration of behavioral health in early childhood programs to support children and families.What is Behavioral Health?Behavioral health includes the promotion of mental health, resilience, and well-being; the prevention, early identification, and the treatment of mental illness and substance use disorders; and support for those who experience and/or are in recovery from these conditions, along with their families and communities. | Website |
Behavioral Health Topics - Allina Hospitals | The Behavioral Health Topics - Allina Hospitals website page topics include anxiety, attention deficit disorder, bipolar disorder, manic depression, depression, schizophrenia, and stress. | Website |
Bright Futures at Georgetown: Training Tools | These training tools, activities, and resources are designed to acquaint users with the Bright Futures in Practice series (available online only) and to provide guidance on how to apply these materials in a variety of contexts. The Bright Futures in Practice materials can be downloaded for use from this site. | Website |
Bullies in the Block Area: The Early Childhood Origins of "Mean" Behavior | This brief first provides a summary of the developmental trajectory to bullying behavior and theories about social and environmental contributors to bullying. The remainder summarizes promising strategies and evidence-based intervention models designed to prevent bullying by addressing factors that contribute to the development of "mean" behavior and aggression in early childhood. | Document |
Bullying in Preschool | Being bullied means to be exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students. It may also include an imbalance of power. And research indicates that a child with a disability is more likely to be physically or verbally bullied than his typically developing peers. This tip sheet includes signs of bullying behavior and strategies for extinguishing bullying. | Tipsheet |
Calendar Time for Young Children - Good Intentions Gone Awry | This article from NAEYC provides “evidence-based practices are likely to be more effective than calendar activities in presenting time concepts to young children.” | Document |
Caring for Every Child's Mental Health Campaign | The Caring for Every Child's Mental Health Campaign website consists of information from a four-year national public education campaign by the Center for Mental Health Services, a component of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to increase awareness about the emotional problems of America's children and adolescents and gain support for needed services. The website contains links for children and adolescents, tips for parents ranging from improving your child's mental health to issues that families may face regarding mental health. There are resources available for purchase or to download. The information is also available in spanish at | Website |
Carruurta iyo walwalkooda (Anxiety in Children) | Walwal iyo walwal waa shucuur caam ah oo qof walba dareemo waqti ama waqti kale. Xaashidan tilmaantu waxay sahmineysaa waxyaabaha kiciya welwelka, goorta laga walaacsan yahay iyo goorta caawimaad la raadsado. | Tipsheet |
Results: Page 4 of 22