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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Children's Development: What to Expect and When to be Concerned In this CICC Info Module, participants will examine: Typical and atypical development in young children. Red flags for developmental issues Info Module
Children's Environmental Health Network (CEHN) The Children's Environmental Health Network (CEHN) is a national multi-disciplinary organization whose mission is to protect the developing child from environmental health hazards and promote a healthier environment. Website
Children's Mental Health Fact Sheets The Minnesota Association for Children's Mental Health has recently released their newly-updated facts sheets from the most recent edition of An Educator's Guide to Children's Mental Health. These fact sheets provide clear descriptions of children's mental health disorders for parents, educators, and others who work with children.Note: To access the free fact sheets, you will need to log in to the MACMH website or sign up to become a FREE email list subscriber.  Website
Children's self-esteem already established by age five By age 5 children have a sense of self-esteem that is comparable in strength to that of adults, according to a study by University of Washington researchers. Because self-esteem tends to remain relatively stable across one's lifespan, the study suggests that this important personality trait is already in place before children begin kindergarten. Document
Children’s Mental Health Resource Guide This guide is designed to help caregivers navigate the multiple complex systems they may encounter when advocating on behalf of the children in their care.    Document
Committee for Children The Committee for Children promotes the safety, well-being, and social development of children. They publish a research-based curricula to encourage social and emotional literacy and to prevent youth violence and child abuse. They also provide training, staff development, technical assistance, and consulting. Website
Common Reactions of Children After an Emergency Event Responses of children following an emergency will differ based on the child’s age, developmental level, temperament, how closely he/she is impacted by the experience and amount of media exposure. This tip sheet includes some of the common reactions of children after an emergency event. Tipsheet
Cómo ayudar a los niños durante el proceso de duelo en la escuela (How to help a grieving child in a child care setting ) ¿Cómo puedes apoyar a los niños durante el proceso de duelo? Únase a Karina Elze, miembro de la junta directiva en CICC y anteriormente especialista en RBPD, mientras habla con Tania Rivera y Mirla Peralta,  Circulo de Amigos Child Care Center. Juntas compartirán algunas estrategias para apoyar a los niños que están pasando por el proceso de duelo. Podcast
Connecting the Brain to the Rest of the Body From the Center of the Developing Child at Harvard University: "A growing understanding of how responsive relationships and language-rich experiences for young children help build a strong foundation for later success in school has driven increased investment and sparked innovation in early learning around the world."   Document
Creating a Responsive Environment for Young Children "When creating a responsive learning environment for infants and toddlers, the interests and developmental level of the children being served is key. Listen to this Infant/Toddler Teacher Time video from the Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center (ECLKC) as presenters discuss the importance of creating a classroom that fosters trust and security for infants and toddlers. Discover strategies teachers can use in their classrooms." Website