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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Mindfulness Practices for Families "When parents and children are feeling big emotions, it’s good to find some calm."  Here are some simple mindfulness activities from Zero to Three. Document
Minnesota Council on Disability - Alphabetic Resources The Minnesota Council on Disability (MDA) created this helpful resource. Here you will find links to external accessibility resources and other organizations listed alphabetically. Links to external resources are also listed by topic. For information produced by the Minnesota Council on Disability, visit Information and Assistance. Website
Minnesota Department of Education - Kindergarten Webpage From the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE): "Starting kindergarten is a big milestone in a child’s life and is an important decision for all families. Five-year-old children are experiencing rapid changes in their growth and kindergarten provides a free learning opportunity that supports them during this critical time and lays a foundation for future school success."  Learn more about enrolling into public kindergarten (downloadable flyer for families). This resource is available in Hmong, KarenSomali and Spanish. Website
Minnesota Department of Education - The Successful Learner Equation "The Successful Learner Equation is used to recognize and uplift the individuals, programs, and systems that contribute to the success of each learner. This page, from the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), includes links to their 18-minute webinar, a one-page flyer with an overview of the equation, and a language guide that provides examples of alternative language to use when communicating with others on this topic." Website
Minnesota Department of Health - Hand Hygiene Wash Your Hands! Hand hygiene is a term used to cover both hand washing using soap and water, and cleaning hands with waterless or alcohol-based hand sanitizers.   Be sure to scroll down to see the handwashing videos! In addition to English, they are also available in ASL and multiple languages. Website
MN Department of Education - Kindergarten Information Starting kindergarten is a big milestone in a child’s life and is an important decision for all families. Five-year-old children are experiencing rapid changes in their growth and kindergarten provides a free learning opportunity that supports them during this critical time and lays a foundation for future school success. In kindergarten, your child will learn from highly qualified teachers and benefit from interacting with other children. Your family will become part of a learning community that values the unique needs of each child and fosters of love of learning. Minnesota is committed to supporting the success of all young children as they enter kindergarten. Website
Moebius Syndrome Foundation The Moebius Syndrome Foundation website answers questions related to Moebius Syndrome including what it is, how it occurs, how it is treated, newsletter, conference information, and a chat room. Special feeding equipment information is also available. Website
Most Parents Don't Think They are Meeting Nutritional Needs Even though most American parents believe good nutrition is important for their children, only one-third think they're doing a good job teaching their kids healthy eating habits, a new survey shows. Document
Mothers and Infants Connect Through Song As one of the first records of human music, infant-directed singing permeates cultural boundaries and parenting traditions. The act of mothers singing to infants is a universal behavior that seemingly withstands the test of time. Document
Multicultural Collection of Farm to ECE Books The Food Trust’s multicultural collection of farm to ECE books highlights children’s books that feature characters from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, many of which are authored by writers of color. The list also includes a number of books that are either bilingual or written exclusively in Spanish. These books cover a wide variety of farm to ECE related topics including gardening, farms, cooking, family meals, farmers markets, shopping for food and more. Website