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Dajinta Qorshaha Tageerada Habdhaqanka Wanaagsan (Positive Behavior Support Plan)

Short Description

Qorshaha habdhaqanka wanaagsan waa qorshe hawleed qeexaya talaabooyin gaar ah oo loo adeegsan karo in lagu dhiirrigeliyo guusha ilmaha iyo ka-qaybgalka waxqabadyada iyo casharrada maalinlaha ah. Xaashidan tilmaantu waxay daboolaysaa qaab shaqsiyeed oo ku wajahan geedi socodka qorshaynta.

A positive behavior plan is an action plan that outlines specific steps that can be used to promote a child's success and participation in daily activities and lessons. This tip sheet covers an individual approach to the planning process.