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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Doorka adeeg-bixiyaha/Baraha ee Daryeelka Hore (The Role of the Provider/Teacher in Early Care)

Doorka adeeg-bixiyaha/Baraha ee Daryeelka Hore (The Role of the Provider/Teacher in Early Care)

Qaybtan, Bureeqo Dahir, CICC Coach, iyo marti-sharaf gaar ah Marian Hassan ayaa ka wada hadlay doorka baruhu ku leeyahay daryeelka hore iyo goobaha waxbarashada.

In this episode, Bureeqo Dahir, CICC Coach, and special guest Marian Hassan discuss the role of the educator in early care and education settings.



(Length: 20:41)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Muhiimadda Ciyaarta ee Goobaha Daryeelka Hore iyo Waxbarashada ee Soomaalida (The Importance of Play in Somali Early Care and Education Settings)

Muhiimadda Ciyaarta ee Goobaha Daryeelka Hore iyo Waxbarashada ee Soomaalida (The Importance of Play in Somali Early Care and Education Settings)

Qaybtan, Bureeqo Dahir, Tababaraha CICC, iyo martida khaaska ah Marian Hassan ayaa ka wada hadlaya muhiimadda ay ciyaartu u leedahay carruurta yaryar.

In this episode, Bureeqo Dahir, CICC Coach, and special guest Marian Hassan discuss the importance of play for young children.

(Length: 21:01)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Every Child Can Fly

Every Child Can Fly

Please Join Priscilla Weigel as she talks with Jani Kozlowski, Technical Assistance Specialist at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Jani shares her story and what led her to write her book, Every Child Can Fly: An Early Childhood Educator's Guide to Inclusion.
Additional Resources Related to this podcast:

New book coming out on June 1st: 


(Length: 28:24)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Early Childhood Special Education: The Role of the ECSE Teacher

Early Childhood Special Education: The Role of the ECSE Teacher

Join us as we hear from our CICC Intern, Loretta Campbell, Early Childhood Special Educator (ECSE) and Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Master’s student.  We discuss the role of the ECSE teacher and the relationship between special education and child care, highlighting key relationship-building and support for the family which benefits the child and all who care for them.

(Length: 19:51)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Centers for Independent Living in Minnesota

Centers for Independent Living in Minnesota

Join us as we talk with Heather Stillwell, Strategic Initiatives Lead at the Southeastern Minnesota Center for Independent Living, Inc. (SEMCIL).  Learn about SEMCIL and the 5 Core Services which are provided free of charge to anyone who identifies as having a disability in the 11 counties in SE Minnesota.  Heather also explains that there are 8 other Centers for Independent Living that serve every county in Minnesota.  Listen for information on this amazing free support.

(Length: 19:35)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Autism Diagnosis: One Family’s Experience

Autism Diagnosis: One Family’s Experience

This podcast episode allows us to hear a unique perspective from a parent as she looks back over her family’s journey through a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Each path is unique in this process and we are able to hear the ups and downs from her individual perspective and learn what is working for her child, based on his needs.

(Length: 41:56)