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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Waqtiyo wax lagu Baro Ilmaha Guriga (Teaching Moments with Babies at Home)


Waqtiyo wax lagu Baro Ilmaha Guriga (Teaching Moments with Babies at Home)

Podcast-kan waxaan kaga hadlaynaa sida waalidiinta/daryeelayaashu ay u bilaabi karaan inay caruurtooda wax ku baraan guriga, sida daqiiqad kasta oo ay la qaataan ubadku u tahay waqti waxbarid, waxqabadyada waalidiintu kula samayn karaan caruurtooda guriga, iyo dhammaan faa'iidooyinka korriinka ee baritaanka dhallaanka.

 In this podcast we are discussing how parents or caregivers can start educating their little ones at home, how every moment spent with a child is a teaching moment, activities parents can do with their little ones at home, and over all developmental benefits teaching babies. 

(Length: 21: 27)