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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Wilder Child Guidance Center - NW Branch The Wilder Child Guidance Center NW Branch site has descriptions of Wilder's Youth, older adults, community and neighborhood, affordable housing, cross-culture support, anti-violence, and welfare to work programs. There is a very handy intrasite search engine, volunteer opportunities, consulting, a newspaper, research center, and other publications available on-line. Website
Wilderness Inquiry (WI) Wilderness Inquiry is a non- profit organization dedicated to promoting outdoor fun for people of all abilities and walks of life. The outdoor activities are in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Website
Xoojinta Xiriirka Aas aasiga ah ee Caruurta Lagu Hayyo Xanaanada iyo Barnaamiijta Waxbarashada (Attachment in Early Care and Education Programs) Sababtoo ah cilaaqaadyadu waa udub dhexaadka horumarka iyo barashada, daryeelka hore, iyo bixiyeyaasha waxbarashadu waxay door muhiim ah ka ciyaaraan nolosha carruurta ay la shaqeeyaan. Xaashidan tilmaanta ahi waxay daboolaysaa sida loo abuuro xiriirro tayo leh carruurta aad daryeesho. Because relationships are at the core of development and learning, early care, and education providers play a critical role in the lives of the children with whom they work. This tip sheet covers how to establish quality relationships with the children in your care. Tipsheet
You Don't Say! Toddler Speech Milestones As your toddler's vocabulary blossoms, it's a special thrill to hear him enunciate and combine new words and express his wants and urgent needs (well, to him everything is an urgent need!) for the first time. Watch (and listen) for these exciting toddler language developments. Website
Your Child: Development and Behavior Resources The University of Michigan Your Child site has a links of information regarding children with special health needs. The site has information regarding heart disease and asthma/lung conditions. The site also contains information on immunizations, injury prevention, nutrition and CPR/First Aid to name a few. Website
Your Fantastic Mind: Episode 6 - Early Emory and Emory Autism Center "Early Emory Center for Child Development and Enrichment is an inclusion preschool for kids developing typically and kids with autism. In this YouTube video, Your Fantastic Mind: Episode 6 - Early Emory and Emory Autism Center,  Amiel and Elise teach us that despite differences, we have much to learn from each other, that it’s possible to travel the same path, together." Website
Zero to Three The Zero to Three website has many resources for both parents and early childhood professionals alike. Training information is available for professionals. The site has a journal online as well as a bookstore. One of the many articles on the site is regarding Infant Mental Health. Website
‘Intentional’ Teaching Has Big Impact on Preschoolers The instructional practices of preschool teachers may have the largest effect on young children’s social and academic skills, according to a new review of research on several measures of the quality of early childhood education.  Document
‘Sesame Street’ welcomes a Muppet in foster care, the latest addition to its inclusive cast There’s a new face on Sesame Street. Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit behind the show, has welcomed Karli, a Muppet in foster care, as well as her “for-now” parents, Dalia and Clem. All three Muppets appear in videos posted online as part of an initiative to provide free resources to caregivers navigating difficult issues, such as family homelessness, foster care and trauma." Document