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ABUURITAANKA JAWI CIYAARTA KU FIICAN (CREATING A RICH PLAY ENVIRONMENT) Podcastigan wuxuu ku bilaaban in ciyaartu tahay ‘shaqadii caruurta’. Ilmaha oo loo diyaariyo meel amaan ah, nugul, oo daryeel fiican leh waa siyaabo loogu diyaarin kara ilmaha Jawi Ciyaarta ku Fiican  --Maxaa yeelay ciyaartu aad bay mihiim ugu tahay dhan walba oo nolosha ilmaha maadaama ciyaartu ilmuhu ku koraan, waxna ku bartaan. In this podcast, we begin presenting play as ‘children’s work’. In those lenses, creating safe, responsive, and nurturing environments are important parts of supporting the learning and development of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Strategies for creating play rich environment are offered in the podcast. Podcast
Abuuritaanka Jawi Ciyaarta ku Fiican (Creating a Rich Play Environment) Mid ka mid ah doorka daryeel-yaqaan hore iyo aqoon-yahan waxbarasheed ayaa ah ka naqshadeeyaha deegaanka ay carruurtu ku ciyaaraan kuna bartaan Xaashidan tilmaantu waxay bixisaa istaraatiijiyado iyo fikrado ku saabsan abuurista jawi ciyaaro hodan ku ah carruurta yaryar. Tipsheet
Active Supervision: Free Time Caregivers are responsible for keeping children safe. Active supervision requires constant vigilance, focused attention, and intentional observation of children at all times.  Tipsheet
Activities for Bonding and Learning from Birth to 12 Months "Try these fun games and activities [from Zero to Three] with your children and watch how their eagerness to learn and their relationship with you grow! Website
Activities Guide: Enhancing and Practicing Executive Function Skills with Children from Infancy to Adolescence Executive function and self-regulation skills provide critical supports for learning and development, and while we aren't born with these skills, we are born with the potential to develop them through interactions and practice. This 16-page guide describes a variety of activities and games that represent age-appropriate ways for adults to support and strengthen various components of EF/SR in children. Website
Activity Level--Children Who Need to Move! Cindy and Priscilla discuss a temperament trait that is commonly associated with challenging behaviors in early childhood settings: activity level. While we often think first about a child who is really busy, children who have a low activity level need adaptations to the environment as well in order to have successful experiences. Listen to this podcasts for some strategies as you think about children and their movement in your programs. Podcast
Adaabta Ilmaha iyo Toosinta Saxan (Positive Behavior Guidance) Podcastigan wuxuu ka hadlaysaa Adaabta Ilmaha iyo toosinta saxan oo ah mid ku salaysan  xiriir wanaagsan oo ilmaha lala wadaago. This podcast talks about Child Discipline and discipline based on a good relationship with the child. Podcast
Adaptability and Mood--How to Help Children with Change Some children have difficulty when it comes to adjusting to attempts to change or influence what they are doing. Change is often hard for many of us when we are doing something we really enjoy! When you also factor in a child’s natural mood, you can find yourself in a struggle with a young child. In this podcast, Cindy and Priscilla will talk about ideas to help children who may struggle with adapting to changes in their world. Podcast
Addressing Early Childhood Emotional and Behavioral Problems According to recent reports, more than 10% of young children have clinically significant mental health problems, but most receive no interventions for their disorder. Although often not recognized, young children experience mental health problems at rates similar to older children. Improved access to care, more research identifying alternative models, adequate payment for providers, and improved education on evidence-based interventions are among the recommendations in the November 2016 American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement and technical report Addressing Early Childhood Emotional and Behavioral Problems. Website
Administration for Children and Families The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is responsible for federal programs that promote the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals, and communities. ACF programs aim to achieve the following: families and individuals empowered to increase their own economic independence and productivity; strong, healthy, supportive communities that have a positive impact on the quality of life and the development of children; partnerships with individuals, front-line service providers, communities, American Indian tribes, Native communities, states, and Congress that enable solutions which transcend traditional agency boundaries; services planned, reformed, and integrated to improve needed access; and a strong commitment to working with people with developmental disabilities, refugees, and migrants to address their needs, strengths, and abilities. Website