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Results: Page 11 of 73
Resource Name Description Resource Type
Bebés: Estrategias para Apoyar el Desarrollo de Habilidades de Comunicación (Infants: Strategies to Support the Development of Communication Skills) Los padres y otros cuidadores tienen un papel central en el desarrollo del cerebro de un bebé. Esta hoja de consejos proporciona formas para que los cuidadores ayuden a los bebés a aprender mejor. Parents and other caregivers have a central role in the development of a baby's brain. This tip sheet provides ways for caregivers to help babies learn better. Tipsheet
Believe in Yourself as a Professional In this podcast, Cindy and Priscilla encourage listeners to have confidence in your skills and abilities to provide an environment that gives children what they need based on developmentally appropriate practice rather than whatever the 'prevailing winds" may be. When it comes to the push for academics, we need to trust our early childhood education and training in what children need most to be successful learners in our environments. We also need to learn to articulate why our practices are part of 'readiness' for children along all their developmental domains. Podcast
Benefits of a Positive ECSE Partnership We wrap up the series with Kiley Hendrick, ECSE Teacher, St. Paul Public Schools, and Jackie Johnson, CICC Coach by discussing what is helpful in the ECSE-child care partnership and what are some possible roadblocks to success?  Podcast
Benefits of Music on Children's Development Listen as Priscilla Weigel and her guest Dianna Babcock of MacPhail Center for Music chat about the way music can enhance learning.  They discuss the benefits music has on a young child’s overall development, specifically emotional regulation, working memory, and attention, which supports school readiness and overall executive functioning. Podcast
Best Books for Babies to Find Math in Their World "Books are great for babies. Research clearly supports this. What are the best books for babies?" Here is a great list from Mary Hynes-Berry and Cody Meirick at The Erikson Institute Early Math Collaborative. Website
Best Toys for Babies & Toddlers "As the holidays approach, choose gifts that will spark your child’s imagination and stand the test of time." Click on the link below for a helpful list of age-appropriate gifts from Zero to Three, Website
Birth Injury Guide Visit BirthInjuryGuide.org for comprehensive information on many types of birth injuries, including symptoms, causes, treatment, and more. The mission of the website is to provide answers to parents of a child affected by a birth injury. http://www.birthinjuryguide.org/ Document
Birth to Five: Watch Me Thrive Birth to 5: Watch Me Thrive! from the US Department of Education, encourages healthy child development, universal developmental and behavioral screening for young children, and support for the families and providers who care for them.
Birth to Three The Birth to Three website is based in Conneticut and explains in great detail their system. However, the site has valuable information regarding children with special needs. Including information on Autism, play, the importance of natural environments. The site also has online newsletters as well as an online discussion board for families to share stories with each other. The site is available in Spanish. Website
Biting Concerns with Infants and Toddlers: Part One In this podcast, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel will look at the reasons behind infant and toddler biting behaviors from a development lens. Podcast