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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Autism Information Center The Centers for Disease Control Autism Information Center website has a lot of information. If focuses on activities and resources which are considered best practice for individuals with Autism spectrum disorders. These research initiatives and related activities are conducted by federally funded programs and include some of the following: information on autsim spectrum disorders, CDC activities, education services, and internet-based activities for children to learn more about Autism. Website
Autism Internet Modules The modules, available at no cost, have the potential to positively impact the educational, family, vocational, and medical communities - on a local and worldwide basis - and may alter the ways in which ASD training occurs. Through these modules we seek to promote a greater understanding of ASD and to promote achievement, full participation, respect, and equality of persons with ASD. In short, through the use of the World Wide Web, the overall outcomes of this project will be (a) increased ASD awareness; and (b) training and assistance at no cost to the educational, vocational, and medical communities and families. Website
Autism National Committee Autism National Committee (AUTCOM) is the only autism advocacy organization dedicated to "Social Justice for All Citizens with Autism" through a shared vision and a commitment to positive approaches. Our organization was founded in 1990 to protect and advance the human rights and civil rights of all persons with autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, and related differences of communication and behavior. On this web site you will find the most recent issue of our newsletter (requires free Adobe Acrobat Reader software); updates on politics and judicial decisions; commentary by people with autism; information about developmental and relationship-based approaches to early intervention and education; coverage of issues affecting community living, home-owning, and consumer choice; advocacy for access to augmentative, assistive, and facilitated communication; plus in-depth book reviews and information on how to order important works through our Book Store. Website
Autism Research Institute The Autism Research Institute (ARI), a non-profit organization, was established in 1967. For more than 40 years, ARI has devoted its work to conducting research, and to disseminating the results of research, on the triggers of autism and on methods of diagnosing and treating autism. ARI provides research-based information to parents and professionals around the world. Featured pages include: Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist, Parent Treatment Ratings, 'About Autism' Slide Presentation, Scientific Foundations, and Understanding and Treating Self-Injurious Behavior. Website
Autism Resource Directory This resource guide is for families and caregivers of young children with autism spectrum disorders. Whether your child is just beginning the assessment process or already receives services, you undoubtedly will have questions. You will get a lot of information from many sources--perhaps too much information! It is time consuming and can be confusing to sort through and decide what is best for your family. We hope that this guide can be a valuable tool in your family's journey. We also hope that having this information all in one source will provide you with more time for the important things in life--you and your family. Document
Autism Resource on Teaching Methods This pdf provides extensive information about autism intervention strategies Document
Autism Shop is the online home of the Autism Resource Network, a one-of-a-kind Book & Toy Store that is packed with merchandise and information for individuals with ASD and those who love, care for, and educate them. We are a Minnesota nonprofit corporation. Website
Autism Society of America The Autism Society of America is devoted to working with individuals with autism and their families through advocacy, education, public awareness, and research. A mailing list, introductory info, legislative news, relevant event calendar and membership information are available on the site. Website
Autism Society of Minnesota The Autism Society of Minnesota (AUSM) provides valuable information for families and professionals regarding autism through advocacy, education, and public awareness in Minnesota. AUSM also provides workshop opportunities, support groups, and details about camp programs. Website
Autism Speaks Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions--across the spectrum and throughout the lifespan--for the needs of individuals with autism and their families through advocacy and support; increasing understanding and acceptance of autism spectrum disorder; and advancing research into causes and better interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related conditions. Autism Speaks enhances lives today and is accelerating a spectrum of solutions for tomorrow. Website