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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Ansiedad en niños (Anxiety in Children) La ansiedad y la ansiedad son emociones comunes que todo el mundo siente en un momento u otro. Esta hoja de consejos explora los desencadenantes comunes de la ansiedad, cuándo preocuparse y cuándo buscar ayuda. Anxiousness and anxiety are common emotions that everyone feels at one time or another. This tip sheet explores common triggers of anxiety, when to be concerned and when to seek help. Tipsheet
Ansiedad por separación en bebés y niños pequeños (Separation Anxiety in infants and Toddlers) Consejos para educadores para ayudar a los niños pequeños que pueden experimentar ansiedad por separación durante la transición diaria del hogar al cuidado infantil.Tips for educators to help young children who may experience separation anxiety during the daily transition from home to child care. Tipsheet
Anti-Bias Education and Holidays: Making Thoughtful Decisions "Acknowledging or celebrating holidays in early childhood programs can bring pleasure to many families, staff, and children and can be useful in building connections between school and families. However, holidays also pose a range of challenges to ensuring that all children, families, and staff feel respected and to children learning about diversity of families. Whether or not to include any holidays in your curriculum, and what activities to use if you do, requires thoughtful decision making." For more information, check out this blog from the National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Website
Anxiety in Children Anxiousness and anxiety are common emotions that everyone feels at one time or another. This tip sheet explores common triggers of anxiety, when to be concerned and when to seek help. Tipsheet
Apoyar a los niños en tiempos inciertos: Responder al coronavirus (Supporting Children in Uncertain Times: Responding to the Coronavirus) Los niños pueden sentirse más inquietos durante tiempos inciertos, como la actual pandemia de coronavirus. Cuando los niños están inquietos, pueden mostrar sus sentimientos a través de comportamientos desafiantes. Esta hoja de consejos proporciona varias formas en que los adultos y los cuidadores pueden ayudar a los niños a sobrellevar la situación. Tipsheet
APOYO A LA SALUD MENTAL DE BEBÉS Y NIÑOS PEQUEÑOS EN EL CUIDADO INFANTIL (Supporting the Mental Health of Infants and Toddlers in Child Care) The Child Care State Capacity Building Center Infant/Toddler Specialist Network created these colorful infographics that promote mental health of Infants and Toddler in child care. (In Spanish) Document
Apoyo de los apegos seguros junto con las familias y dentro de los entornos de cuidado infantil (Supporting Secure Attachments Alongside Families and Within Child Care Settings) Estrategias para familias y programas de educación y cuidado temprano para apoyar el desarrollo de un patrón de apego seguro en los niños.Strategies for families and early care and education programs to support the development of a secure attachment pattern in children. Tipsheet
Are You Different? Me Too! 9 Books That Embrace What Makes Us Unique These stories, from Brightly, are about kindness, strength, bravery, fear, tragedy, and humor and deserve a spot on everyone’s bookshelves. Website
Arimaha saamaynta kuleh Dabeecadda (Factors that Influence Behavior) Xaashidan tilmaamuhu waxay daboolaysaa arrimo badan oo saameyn ku yeelan kara dhaqanka ilmaha waxayna siineysaa hage daryeelayaasha sida looga caawiyo carruurta inay la qabsadaan arrimaha aysan awoodin inay xakameeyaan. This tip sheet covers the many factors that can affect a child's behavior and offers guidance for caregivers on how to help children cope with issues they are not able to control. Tipsheet
At-Home Activity Guide "Play promotes healthy development, even when you're stuck at home." Here is a guide from Zero to Three. Website