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Resource Name Description Resource Type
What Is Inclusive Child Care? "Research has shown that inclusion, when done well, can be a very positive experience for both young children with special needs and their typically developing peers. Child care providers can play an important role in making inclusive child care successful." Here is some more information from the Extension Alliance for Better Child Care. Document
What to do When Children Bite Participants of this info module will learn why children bite, strategies to prevent and/or eliminate the behavior, and how to intervene if biting occurs. Info Module
What to do When Children Bite Biting is one of the ways young children express their needs, desires, or feelings. Once you understand why and when a child is likely to bite, you can try to change situations in order to prevent it. This tip sheet provides strategies to use with children who bite. Tipsheet
Who’s in Control and Why Does it Matter? In this podcast, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel discuss the struggle that can sometimes arise between the early educator and a child in finding the balance between limit setting and power struggle. Some children can literally ‘run’ the program—how does this happen and how does the staff regain control? Priscilla shares some real life examples that can help shift the balance again. Podcast
Why Kids Lie and What Parents Can Do About It "Call them fibs, whoppers or straight-up untruths: However you label them, kids are likely to lie somewhere along the way. While a younger child may conjure up an elaborate tale about how she couldn’t possibly have kicked a younger sibling, older kids may flat-out lie about doing their homework. Learn how to help kids find honest alternatives to bending the truth" in this article by Beth Arky for the Child Mind Institute. Website
Xeelado Kahortagaya Dabeecadaha Adag (Strategies to Prevent Challenging Behaviors) Xeeladaha tageerada wanaagsan waxay kahortagi karaan dabeecadaha adag caruurtaadana xanaanada ku wanaajin kara. Good support strategies can prevent difficult behaviors and improve your child's care. Tipsheet
Your Child: Development and Behavior Resources The University of Michigan Your Child site has a links of information regarding children with special health needs. The site has information regarding heart disease and asthma/lung conditions. The site also contains information on immunizations, injury prevention, nutrition and CPR/First Aid to name a few. Website
Your Fantastic Mind: Episode 6 - Early Emory and Emory Autism Center "Early Emory Center for Child Development and Enrichment is an inclusion preschool for kids developing typically and kids with autism. In this YouTube video, Your Fantastic Mind: Episode 6 - Early Emory and Emory Autism Center,  Amiel and Elise teach us that despite differences, we have much to learn from each other, that it’s possible to travel the same path, together." Website