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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Angelman Syndrome Foundation, Inc. The Angelman Syndrome Foundation, Inc. website offers information for families including local and regional contacts. This comprehensive site offers information, membership opportunities, newsletter, literature, scientific information, research opportunities, and events. The site offers some information translated in Spanish and Hebrew. Website
Angry Kids: Dealing With Explosive Behavior Website
Apoyo a las necesidades sensoriales de los niños bajo su cuidado (Supporting Sensory Needs Of Young Children In Your Care) ¡Nuevo Autoestudio!Este autoestudio en línea analiza el trastorno del procesamiento sensorial (SPD por sus siglas en inglés) y examina cómo y por qué el SPD puede afectar el comportamiento de un individuo. Identifique los comportamientos y las respuestas del sistema sensorial que pueden resultar del SPD. Implemente estrategias para apoyar a los niños con SPD proporcionando una variedad de oportunidades para diferentes experiencias sensoriales. Áreas del Marco de Conocimientos y Competencias -I: Desarrollo y aprendizaje infantil (4 horas)II.A: Crear experiencias de aprendizaje positivas (4 horas) II.C: Promover el desarrollo social y emocional (2 horas)Áreas de contenido de CDA -II. Pasos para avanzar en el desarrollo físico e intelectual de los niños (4 horas)III. Formas positivas de apoyar el desarrollo social y emocional de los niños (2 horas)VIII: Principios de desarrollo y aprendizaje infantil (4 horas)Nivel 2 - ImplementosPara diez horas en su Registro de aprendizaje, regístrese y pague en línea en Develop. Luego, complete un documento de reflexión de 500 palabras y envíelo con su reflexión. Tenga en cuenta que únicamente tiene acceso a ese documento como modo de visualización. Para habilitar la edición, descargue el documento. Haga clic en "archivo" y luego en "descargar como" en la esquina superior izquierda de esta pantalla. Esto le dará la opción de abrir el documento como un documento de Word en su propia computadora. Luego, puede completar la información y enviarla por correo electrónico a: credit@inclusivechildcare.org. * Haga caso omiso de las instrucciones con respecto a un examen final. La única evaluación de aprendizaje necesaria es el documento de reflexión. Course
Apraxia Kids The Apraxia Kids website offers a variety of resource information about apraxia or dyspraxia of speech. The site promotes awareness, offers posters and brochures, articles, newsletter, network communication chat room, authors and resources, and a FAQ section. The site is ideal for educators and parents. Website
Arc Minnesota The ARC of Minnesota website is geared towards advocacy and support for people with developmental disabilities and their families in Minnesota. Legislative info, public policy hotline, affiliated chapters, and lots of Minnesota and national links are available throughout his site. ARC also offers a lending library with equipment, videos, and books. Website
Are You Prepared for Disasters: Family Readiness Kit This kit includes general guidelines for readiness that can be used in most situations to help families get disaster-ready. For more detailed information about all types of disasters, see the Resources section. Remember, ask all family members to help make the disaster plan. Everyone should know what to do if family members are not together. Plan to do your part and work together as a team. A disaster can cause a lot of stress and confusion. Keep the family readiness plan simple so everyone can remember the important details. Once a plan is finished, practice your Family Disaster Plan every six months so that everyone will remember what to do when in an emergency. Fear and anxiety can be reduced when there is a disaster plan. Your child's doctor also can help. During your next visit, ask your child's doctor how to best prepare for disasters. Document
ASL Nook "Knowing what it was like to grow up as the only Deaf person in an all-hearing family and raising two young signers, Sheena felt something was missing from the internet. A place where everyone is welcome to learn ASL. Finding her inspiration from the Food Network Channel, ASL Nook came alive in 2013. Since that day everything changed! Little did the ASL Nook family know that it would have such a profound impact on people, especially on hearing families raising Deaf children. Our audience grew to where ASL classes – both high schools and universities – are using the videos as a part of their instruction. ASL Nook garnered a huge following. This would have not been possible without the Deaf community’s support and loyal viewers." Website
Assistive Technology for Infants and Toddlers This document is a brief overview of ways in which assistive technology can be a useful resource for very young children. Through a series of questions and answers, information is provided on what types of assistive technology devices can be used with young children and how families can obtain these devices. Document
Association of University Centers on Disabilities Through its members, The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) is a resource for local, state, national, and international agencies, organizations, and policy makers concerned about people living with developmental and other disabilities and their families. All of our member programs have unique strengths that they share with each other and the greater disability community. Some of our members are exemplary educators. They train professional leaders, individuals with disabilities, and family members in areas such as early care and education, primary health care, special education, and innovative housing and employment programs. Other members excel in basic and applied research, model demonstration programs, systemic reform, and policy analysis. Because these programs work collaboratively, innovations from one program can be rapidly implemented in communities throughout the country, thus affecting more lives than any one program could touch. By working together, programs engage in significant research that informs national policy and best practices. The network emphasizes national and international implementation of innovations in disability-related education, health care, and supports and services. It offers leadership on major social problems affecting all people with disabilities or special health needs. Website
Assuring the Family's Role on the Early Intervention Team This paper is a synthesis of practices and ideas for explaining procedural safeguards to families, which assure that families are fully informed in ways that support their role in the early intervention process. The authors solicited information about practices and ideas for explaining procedural safeguards to families from early childhood projects funded by the Office of Special Education Programs of the U.S. Department of Education and from the state lead agencies for Part C. The paper includes a step-by-step model of explaining procedural safeguards that parallels the early intervention process. The authors intend to explore the implications of procedural safeguards for families, but not to analyze the Part C safeguards themselves. The paper has been developed for state Part C leaders, service providers, families, family advocates, and especially for those people who are involved in explaining procedural safeguards to families. Document