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Alliance for Early Success The Alliance for Early Success is a catalyst for bringing state, national, and funding partners together to improve state policies for children, starting at birth and continuing through age eight. Website
Apego en programas de atención y educación temprana (Attachment in Early Care and Education Programs) Debido a que las relaciones son la base del desarrollo y el aprendizaje, los proveedores de educación y cuidado infantil juegan un papel fundamental en la vida de los niños con los que trabajan. Esta hoja de consejos cubre cómo establecer relaciones de calidad con los niños bajo su cuidado. Because relationships are at the core of development and learning, early care, and education providers play a critical role in the lives of the children with whom they work. This tip sheet covers how to establish quality relationships with the children in your care. Tipsheet
Arimaha saamaynta kuleh Dabeecadda (Factors that Influence Behavior) Xaashidan tilmaamuhu waxay daboolaysaa arrimo badan oo saameyn ku yeelan kara dhaqanka ilmaha waxayna siineysaa hage daryeelayaasha sida looga caawiyo carruurta inay la qabsadaan arrimaha aysan awoodin inay xakameeyaan. This tip sheet covers the many factors that can affect a child's behavior and offers guidance for caregivers on how to help children cope with issues they are not able to control. Tipsheet
Avoid Spot Treat: Frostbite & Hypothermia In cold temperatures, your body begins to lose heat faster than it can be produced, which can lead to serious health problems. This resource, from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), includes an infographic that you can download, print, and post. Website
Baby Center This site offers information on developmental milestones, interactive charts for your child, blogs and discussion boards, and links to news articles. Website
Beads on One String (Children's Book) A song celebrating diversity and universal connection comes to life in Beads on One String, a children's picture book by Minnesota singer-songwriter Dennis Warner. The book features Warner's original lyrics and the compelling message that we have more in common with people around the world than we have differences. Beautiful illustrations by regional artist Alison Love Unzelman portray a world where dreams are shared between people of all ages, sizes, colors and cultures. Says Unzelman, "Beads on One String shares a truth I believe." The book includes sheet music and a CD featuring a live recording of Warner's upbeat song. Whether spoken or sung, Beads on One String receives enthusiastic reviews from educators and parents alike. Warner writes, "The idea for this song came about by visualizing a beaded necklace, with each bead representing a different person. The beads are all different sizes, shapes and colors, but all held together by the same string." Warner hopes that the book will help readers of all ages recognize how much we have in common--a simple, but powerful step to building better relationships around the world. Document
Best Practices for Nutrition in Child Care Settings Quality nutrition is exceptionally important in the early years. This tip sheet covers best practices for feeding infants, toddlers, and preschoolers in child care settings.  Tipsheet
Blob Tag: Training Activity Activity to use to reenergize a group - need large space. Document
Board Books and More: Hispanic Heritage Whether they are learning their letters, colors, or nursery rhymes, little ones will have fun with these books! These titles for young readers celebrate Latino/Latin American cultures, and many of the books are available in bilingual editions or Spanish-language versions. Document
Books and Tips that Promote Life Skills Mind in the Making has partnered with First Book, a nonprofit social enterprise that provides books and educational materials for educators serving children in need, to curate a groundbreaking 'Mind in the Making' Book Collection that combines children's books with tips for building Seven Essential Life Skills. The four book collections are designed for four age groups: 0 to 2, 3 to 5 years, 6 to 8 years, and 9 to 12 years and are available on the First Book Marketplace, an online store that makes it possible for educators serving children in need to access high-quality new books at very low cost. Below are the reading lists grouped by Life Skill with links to download the corresponding tip sheets for each title. Let us know what you think and share other recommended book titles on the Mind in the Making Facebook page. Website