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5 Music and Movement Activities for Babies and Toddlers Read, Talk, Sing! Music is a part of family life in every culture. Simple lullabies have been sung to babies since the beginning of time. Health Partners Pediatrician, Elizabeth J. Placzek, explains that singing a familiar song can help form a special bond between parent and child. Website
5 Myths About Young Children and Screen Media Debunking common myths about the impact of screen use on babies and toddlers Website
5 Scientifically Proven Steps for Thriving Infant Development A new study has shaken up our understanding of early childhood development. They found that a simple set of five factors, called Thrive 5, when present in an infant's first year, sets them up for a lifetime of healthy development and success. Read more about the importance of nutrition, stimulation, safety, positive caregiving, and regular sleep in this article written by Sanjana Gajbhiye, an staff writer. Website
5 Secrets to a Smarter Baby: School Readiness Can Start Now "As parents, we all want happy, healthy babies. Not only that, we want them to be smart. Growing research in early brain development shows there are some basic things you can do right now to start raising a child who is curious about the world and ready to learn. These early education activities we're talking about are simple―and screen free!" Here is a helpful article from the American Academy of Pediatrics at   Website
5 Steps for Brain-Building Serve and Return Child-adult relationships that are responsive and attentive--with lots of back and forth interactions--build a strong foundation in a child's brain for all future learning and development. This is called "serve and return," and it takes two to play! Follow these 5 steps to practice serve and return with your child. Website
5 Things to Know to Feel Less Stress - Advice for Parents A short video from the Hanley Foundation - an organization that provides "hope for individuals, families, and communities affected by alcoholism and drug addiction." Website
5 Tips for Baby Conversations Why should you talk to a baby? Because young children need to hear language in order to learn it. This article highlights evidence-based practices for supporting speech, language, and vocabulary development in very young children. Website
5 Tips for Baby’s First Halloween: Fun not Frightful  Halloween can easily be an overwhelming holiday for the littlest trick-or-treaters. This article contains helpful ideas to help infants and toddlers have fun. Document
5 ways screen time can benefit children and families The AAP recommends five ways for parents and young children to use media positively. Document
6 Fine Motor Skills Activities for Kids Kids develop motor skills at different rates. But when young kids struggle with fine motor skills, they can have trouble with key tasks like grasping utensils (like pencils), moving objects with their fingertips, and using tools like scissors.Try these fun activities from Website