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Activities Guide: Enhancing and Practicing Executive Function Skills with Children from Infancy to Adolescence Executive function and self-regulation skills provide critical supports for learning and development, and while we aren't born with these skills, we are born with the potential to develop them through interactions and practice. This 16-page guide describes a variety of activities and games that represent age-appropriate ways for adults to support and strengthen various components of EF/SR in children. Website
Activities, Experiences and Resources for Use with Children The World Forum Foundation created these Educator and Family Toolkits in English, Spanish, and Arabic. Document
ADA / Americans with Disabilities Act has created this helpful ADA/Americans with Disabilities Act tip sheet.   Document
Adaabta Ilmaha iyo Toosinta Saxan (Positive Behavior Guidance) Podcastigan wuxuu ka hadlaysaa Adaabta Ilmaha iyo toosinta saxan oo ah mid ku salaysan  xiriir wanaagsan oo ilmaha lala wadaago. This podcast talks about Child Discipline and discipline based on a good relationship with the child. Podcast offers the best selection of adaptive equipment for children with special needs with products that range from special needs strollers and special needs car seats to adaptive toys for children's special needs therapy. Website
ADD Warehouse Order books, videos, training programs, games, professional texts and assessment products from the world's largest collection of ADHD-related resources. Website
Addressing Early Childhood Emotional and Behavioral Problems According to recent reports, more than 10% of young children have clinically significant mental health problems, but most receive no interventions for their disorder. Although often not recognized, young children experience mental health problems at rates similar to older children. Improved access to care, more research identifying alternative models, adequate payment for providers, and improved education on evidence-based interventions are among the recommendations in the November 2016 American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement and technical report Addressing Early Childhood Emotional and Behavioral Problems. Website
ADHD in Young Children: Use Recommended Treatment First Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry recommend behavior therapy over medication as first-line treatment for young children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently analyzed healthcare claims data for young children insured by Medicaid between 2008 and 2011 and young children insured through employer-sponsored insurance between 2008 and 2014, finding that approximately 75% of young children with ADHD received medicine as treatment. Only about 50% of young children with ADHD in Medicaid and 40% with employer-sponsored insurance received psychological services, which may have included behavior therapy. Website
Administration for Children and Families The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is responsible for federal programs that promote the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals, and communities. ACF programs aim to achieve the following: families and individuals empowered to increase their own economic independence and productivity; strong, healthy, supportive communities that have a positive impact on the quality of life and the development of children; partnerships with individuals, front-line service providers, communities, American Indian tribes, Native communities, states, and Congress that enable solutions which transcend traditional agency boundaries; services planned, reformed, and integrated to improve needed access; and a strong commitment to working with people with developmental disabilities, refugees, and migrants to address their needs, strengths, and abilities. Website
Administration on Disabilities (AoD) The Administration on Disabilities works with states, communities, and partners in the disability networks to increase the independence, productivity, and community integration of individuals with disabilities. AoD includes the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) and the Independent Living Administration (ILA). AIDD is dedicated to ensuring that people with disabilities have opportunities to make their own choices, contribute to society, have supports to live independently, and live free of abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Website