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Resource Name Description Resource Type
CDC Launches Milestone Tracker App From birth to age 5, your child should reach milestones in how he or she plays, learns, speaks, acts, and moves. Photos and videos in this app illustrate each milestone and make tracking them for your child easy and fun! Website
CDC's Milestone Tracker App - Now Available in Spanish The CDC recently made its Milestone Tracker app available in Spanish(October 2018). This free mobile app includes resources made available through the Learn the Signs Act Early program. The app has a user friendly interface and helps parents track their child's developmental progress from ages 2 months through 5 years with milestone checklists, photos, videos and reminders for appointments and developmental screenings.   Website
CDC’s Amazing Books for Children "Talk, read, sing and play with your child every day. CDC’s amazing books can help! Baby’s Busy Day (Un día ocupado del bebé, en Español), Where is Bear? (¿Dónde Está Osito?, en Español), and Amazing Me (Soy Maravilloso, en Español), are fun for children and show you what to look for as your child grows." Website
Celebrating Pride Month and Inclusion for All Families "When early childhood educators, caregivers and parents make an effort to maintain a welcoming atmosphere, it creates an environment in which all children and families can thrive. [In this article from Zero to Three] Learn how you can show appreciation and enthusiasm for supporting LGBTQ+ families and early childhood professionals, and their needs."  Document
Celiac Disease Foundation Celiac Disease Foundation (CDF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 1990 by Elaine Monarch to improve the quality of life for all people affected by celiac disease and non-celiac wheat sensitivity through funding important advocacy, education, and research initiatives. Today, under the guidance of a National Board of Directors and an internationally renowned Medical Advisory Board, the Foundation leads the fight to increase the rate of diagnosis, to improve treatments, and to find a cure for celiac disease and non-celiac wheat sensitivity. Website
Center for Accessible Technology The Center for Accessible Technology website provides a variety of services to adults and children who need adaptive technology. The center also have printed resources including a newsletter and articles on-line. Website
Center for Children with Special Health Needs A network of programs for children and youth and their families. The programs include the National Center for Youth and Disabilities, the Center for Children with Chronic Illness and Disability, Project Launch, Special U Kids Clinic, Cultural Strengths, and Project Connection. They have online publications related to children's health issues. Website
Center for Disease Control (Act Early) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD), in collaboration with a number of national partners, launched a public awareness campaign called "Learn the Signs. Act Early." The campaign aims to educate parents about childhood development, including early warning signs of autism and other developmental disorders, and encourages developmental screening and intervention. Website
Center for Disease Control and Prevention Child Development This site contains resources and information on child development, developmental milestones, screening, research, interventions, ADHD, positive parenting, and Tourette Syndrome. Website
Center for Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation The Center for Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (CECMHC) was funded as an Innovation and Improvement Project by the Office of Head Start in October 2008. The 3-year grant brings together a group of university researchers to develop strategies to help Head Start programs build a strong mental health foundation for their children, families and staff. Website