Tune in for a dynamic mix of topics tailored for early childhood professionals!
Essential Elements of Infant and Toddler Environments: Health and Safety
CICC Coach Lead, Jacy Nylander joins Priscilla Weigel to discuss a key topic for our youngest learners, health and safety. Listen to their conversation about ways you can create an environment that is safe, calm, clean, and fresh.
(Length: 19:08)Every Child Can Fly
- Jani’s website: www.everychildcanfly.com
- Every Child Can Fly: An Early Childhood Educator's Guide to Inclusion
- Research and Studies on Inclusion
- Indicators of High-Quality Inclusion
New book coming out on June 1st:
- Empowering Your Child to Fly: A Family's Guide to Early Childhood Inclusion
Part 2: Supporting Infants and Toddlers through Extended Separations and Reunions
In this second part of our discussion, we are joined again by CICC Coaching Manager, Beth Menninga. This segment focuses on extended separations and reunions with infants and toddlers. We discuss military deployment, divorce/break up or split households, work travel, incarceration, foster care, hospitalization, immigration related separations, teacher leaves, and change of classroom or care setting.
Part 1: Supporting Infants and Toddlers through Routine Separations and Reunions
Listen as Beth Menninga, our CICC Coaching Manager, joins Inclusion Matters and shares key practices to support our youngest learners through common daily separations and reunions.
(Length: 31:02)Apoyo de coaching de CICC: No estás solo (CICC Coaching Support: You Are Not Alone)
Escuche a nuestra entrenadora de CICC, Karina Pliego Vergara, describir la forma en que el coaching gratuito de CICC puede mejorar y apoyar el trabajo que realiza como educador de la primera infancia para brindar atención de calidad a todos los niños.
Listen as our CICC Coach, Karina Pliego Vergara describes the way CICC free coaching can enhance and support the work you do as an early childhood educator to provide quality care for all children.
(Length: 10:54)Creating Safe Play Areas
Keeping children safe while they are playing in their early childhood setting is key to quality care. Listen as we welcome Sarah Hawley, Child Care Health Consultant and Public Health Nurse. She gives essential tips to consider when you are preparing and maintaining your play spaces and shares strategies to lessen injuries, keep children and staff safe, and provide positive outdoor or indoor large muscle play.
(Length: 22:56)