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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Qodobo Muhiim ah ee laxiriira bey’adda dhallaanka dhashay ama kuwa socod baradkaa #5: Ku Doorsashada (Essential Elements of Infant & Toddler Environments #5: Choice) Qaybta shanaad ee taxane ah lix cunsur oo muhiim u ah naqshadeynta bey'ada dhallaanka iyo socod baradka. The fifth element in a series of six essential elements in designing environments for infants and toddlers. Tipsheet
Questions from a Parent--Literacy and School Readiness Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel field questions from the parent of a preschooler. They explain how everyday activities are developing pre-literacy skills helping to prepare children for kindergarten. Podcast
Reading Aloud, Play and Social Emotional Development Research findings published in Pediatrics documents that infants and toddlers who were read to by family members had notable social-emotional skill advantages when they started school. Document
Recommended Books for Children Coping With Loss or Trauma Books can be wonderful tools to use with children who have experienced difficult times such as trauma or loss. Reading (or being read to) and talking with adults can help them understand and cope with their feelings in a developmentally appropriate way. Reading also offers a great way to spend time with a child, reinforce a sense of normalcy and security, and connect with them, all of which are important to recovery from a traumatic experience. This resource is from the National Association of School Psychologists. Document
Red Flags and Referral While most children develop on a similar trajectory, it is important to be aware of signs the child is not moving along the expected developmental pathways. Tipsheet
Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years A new film, Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years (48 minutes), produced by Debbie LeeKeenan and John Nimmo,  features vignettes of anti-bias strategies in early childhood classrooms interspersed with teachers reflecting on their practice.  Website
Relaciones con las familias (Relationships with Families) Estrategias de comunicación para ayudar a los cuidadores a construir relaciones positivas con las familias de los niños en su programa. Communication strategies for helping caregivers build positive relationships with the families of the children in their program. Tipsheet
Research-Based Mealtime Hacks for “Picky” Eaters From Zero to Three: “Picky” eating behavior — being unwilling to try new or non-favorite foods — usually starts at about two years of age. This is the same time toddlers begin to establish their independence in other areas of their lives (not wanting to take a bath, hold hands in a parking lot, sit in the grocery cart, etc.). It’s also a point when their weight gain — which was rapid over the first two years — is starting to slow, so toddlers experience a decreased appetite. This is why picky eating is more of a typical milestone than a challenging behavior. Website
Resource Guide for Developing Integrated Strategies to Support the Social and Emotional Wellness of Children The COVID-19 pandemic has swiftly and substantially affected the social and emotional health of children, especially those experiencing multiple hardships. As the pandemic has spread across the United States, many children are experiencing widespread disruptions in daily life. Young children are reacting to stress as their parent and caregiver routines change. Children may have strong feelings of fear, worry, sadness, and anger about the pandemic and related issues that impact behavior at home and in child care. This resources was created by the Administration for Children and Families Office of Child Care. Document
Resources for Families and Practitioners Working with Young Children "The Barton Lab at Vanderbilt University is focused on supporting the social development of all young children.  The Barton Lab conceptualizes and implements experimental intervention research to support healthy social development of children and to promote meaningful interactions across the people and contexts in children’s lives." Website