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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Cómo prevenir la expulsión en el cuidado infantil (Preventing Expulsion in Child Care) Estrategias para prevenir la suspensión y expulsión de niños con conductas desafiantes. Strategies to prevent suspension and expulsion of children with challenging behaviors. Tipsheet
Creación de un Entorno de Juego Enriquecido (Creating a Rich Play Environment) Uno de los papeles de un profesional del cuidado infantil y la educación temprana es el del arquitecto del entorno en el que los niños juegan y aprenden. Las siguientes son algunas estrategias para crear un entorno enriquecido para el juego. One of the roles of a childcare and early education professional is that of the architect of the environment in which children play and learn. The following are some strategies for creating an enriched play environment. Tipsheet
Creating an Inclusive Child Care Environment We must treat all children equally, talk positively about all children, and help them develop non-biased feelings. The most effective way to help children accept a child with a disability is to create a positive atmosphere of acceptance of all children. This Tip Sheet offers strategies to help. Tipsheet
Dajinta Qorshaha Tageerada Habdhaqanka Wanaagsan (Positive Behavior Support Plan) Qorshaha habdhaqanka wanaagsan waa qorshe hawleed qeexaya talaabooyin gaar ah oo loo adeegsan karo in lagu dhiirrigeliyo guusha ilmaha iyo ka-qaybgalka waxqabadyada iyo casharrada maalinlaha ah. Xaashidan tilmaantu waxay daboolaysaa qaab shaqsiyeed oo ku wajahan geedi socodka qorshaynta. A positive behavior plan is an action plan that outlines specific steps that can be used to promote a child's success and participation in daily activities and lessons. This tip sheet covers an individual approach to the planning process. Tipsheet
Desarrollo del plan de apoyo de comportamiento positivo (Positive Behavior Support Plan) Un plan de comportamiento positivo es un plan de acción que describe los pasos específicos que se pueden utilizar para promover el éxito y la participación de un niño en las actividades y lecciones diarias. Esta hoja de consejos cubre un enfoque individual del proceso de planificación. A positive behavior plan is an action plan that outlines specific steps that can be used to promote a child's success and participation in daily activities and lessons. This tip sheet covers an individual approach to the planning process. Tipsheet
Desarrollo infantil: Qué esperar y cuándo preocuparse (Child Development: What to Expect and When to Worry) Si observa y registra el desarrollo de todos los niños en su programa rutinariamente, a veces puede encontrar que un niño tiene señales de alerta en su progreso de desarrollo y es hora de hablar con sus padres sobre sus preocupaciones.  If you routinely observe and record the development of all children in your program, you may sometimes find that a child has red flags in their developmental progress and it is time to talk to their parents about your concerns. Tipsheet
Determinación de Áreas de Actividad (Defining Activity Areas) La definición de áreas de actividad es el primer paso en la planificación del entorno para bebés y niños pequeños, e implica la planificación del diseño del entorno interior y exterior. Defining activity areas is the first step in planning the environment for infants and toddlers, and involves planning the design of the indoor and outdoor environment. Tipsheet
DREAMMS for Kids, Inc. The DREAMMS for Kids, Inc. website is a resource for parents and educators working with children with special needs. It facilitates the use of computers, assistive adaptive technologies, and quality instructional technologies for students and youths with special needs in schools, home or in the community. The site offers links, products for purchase, regional agency information, and regional support groups. Website
Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA Center) The Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA Center) funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) built upon the foundation of several OSEP-funded TA centers to improve service systems and assist states in scaling up and sustaining effective services and research-based interventions for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with disabilities and their families.  Website
Education by Design Education by Design has been online since 1997 providing educational resources and fun activities for kids of all abilities. In the spirit of helping children of all abilities learn, our site provides an interesting mixtures of activities, ideas and information. Website