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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Las Etapas del Juego (The Stages of Play) A medida que los niños crecen y se desarrollan, los tipos de juego en los que participan también crecen y se desarrollan. Esta hoja de consejos explora las diferentes etapas del juego. As children grow and develop, the types of play in which they participate also grow and develop. This tip sheet explores the different stages of play. Tipsheet
Lashaqaynta Ubadka Dhashay iyo Kuwa Socod Baradka ah: Muhiimadda ay Leedahay in Iskaashi Lalayeesho Waalidiinta (Working with Infants and Toddlers: The Importance of Family Partnerships) Talooyin ku saabsan dhisidda iskaashi lala yeesho xubnaha qoyska ee dhallaanka iyo socod baradka. Tips for building partnerships with family members of infants and toddlers. Tipsheet
Let's Talk About Math: Early Math Video Series "Let's Talk About Math! An early math video series focusing on early math from birth to 3. With support from the Heising-Simons Foundation, ZERO TO THREE, Next Generation, and Too Small to Fail have partnered to develop a series of videos (in English and Spanish) highlighting the foundation of early math skills in the first 5 years of life." Website
Making a Scripted Story for Early Childhood Education and Care Environments "Scripted stories are a great tool to support a child who has difficulty in a routine or activity. Scripted stories can help a child understand what to expect during the activity or routine, understand the expectations and perspectives of others, and provide instructions about what to do." Here is a great resource from the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations.   Document
Math Activities for Infants and Toddlers are Everyday Explorations From the Erikson Institute Early Math Collaborative - Long before they can talk or explain, babies are thinking logically and exploring ordinary everyday objects, sensations, and experiences that are new to them. They are trying to find out more about questions such as: “What is this?” “How does it work?” and “How is it the same and different from something I already know?” Website
Math in the Bath "Bath time is perfect for exploring math with your young child! Not only do you have each other’s full attention, but the learning can be hands on, playful, and messy." Check out the link below from Sarah Erdmann at NAEYC. Website
Math Skills at Different Ages Kids start learning math the moment they start exploring the world. Each skill — from identifying shapes to counting to finding patterns — builds on what they already know. There are certain math milestones most kids hit at roughly the same age. But keep in mind that kids develop math skills at different rates. If kids don’t yet have all the skills listed for their age group, that’s OK. This resource, from Understood, shows how math skills typically develop as kids get older. Website
Meeting the Needs of Multiple Ages in Family Child Care In a mixed-age setting, children can form meaningful relationships that build a sense of community among children, caregivers, and parents. This tip sheet will help providers recognize and care for each child as an individual with unique capabilities while unifying indicators across ages of the children in their care. Tipsheet
Mindfulness Practices for Families "When parents and children are feeling big emotions, it’s good to find some calm."  Here are some simple mindfulness activities from Zero to Three. Document
Minnesota Department of Human Services People need help. That is why we are here."  The Minnesota Department of Human Services website "is available to you and your family to look for programs available to eligible Minnesotans. Search for information on Food and Nutrition, Housing, Income, Health Care, Child Care Assistance, and Mental Health Crisis.  You will also find important updates for health care workers, license holders, county and tribal workers, grantees and other program administrators.” Website