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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Carnegie Hall Kids “Explore the World of Music” with Carnegie Hall Kids! Check out their extensive selection of quizzes, games, maps, and videos. “Imagination and learning take flight in their at-home sing-along series for families and caretakers with children ages 3­–6: Sing with Carnegie Hall.”  Website
Carruurta iyo walwalkooda (Anxiety in Children) Walwal iyo walwal waa shucuur caam ah oo qof walba dareemo waqti ama waqti kale. Xaashidan tilmaantu waxay sahmineysaa waxyaabaha kiciya welwelka, goorta laga walaacsan yahay iyo goorta caawimaad la raadsado. Tipsheet
Caruurta iyo Walbahaarka: Sida Caruurtu ay u Fal-Celiyaan (Trauma: How Children Respond) Baro qeexidda dhibaatada iyo sidoo kale jawaabaha koritaanka ee carruurta yar yar ee khibradaha naxdinta leh. Learn the definition of trauma as well as the developmental responses of young children to traumatic experiences. Tipsheet
Caruurta leh baahiyaha gaarka ah: Isbeddelada (Children with Special Needs: Transitions) Jadwalka joogtada ah iyo filashooyinka cad waxay taageeraan guusha dhammaan carruurta iyo gaar ahaan carruurta leh barashada gaarka ah iyo baahiyaha bulshada. Kala-guurka la qorsheeyey oo qaabaysan ayaa noqon kara qayb waxtar u leh hawl maalmeedka guuleysta kaasoo siiya aasaas joogto ah dhammaan barashada kale ee dhici doonta maalinta oo dhan. Tipsheet
Caruurta leh baahiyaha gaarka ah: Isbeddelada (Children With Special Needs: Transitions) Podcastigan waxay ka hadlaysaa Caruurta u Baahan Caawimaada dheeraadka ah iyo waqtiyadaTransitions. Labadan mowduuc waa kuwo macalimiinta iyo daryeelayaashu inta badan dhib u arkaan ka hadalkood. Balse maaqaalku wuxuu ka hadlaa sida Ilmaha u baahan caawimaadda dheeraad ka ah loo caawiyo waqtiga transitionka, waqtigaas oo ah xiliga u dhexeeya waqtiga ilmuhu dhameeyaan ciyaarta ama hawl ay gacanta ku hayeen noqoto inay joojiyaan tu-kalana bilaabaana. Waxay siin daryeelaha siyaabo badan oo waqtigan looga dhigo mid u fudud ilmaha iyo daryeelahaba.   Podcast
Cavity Free Kids Cavity Free Kids is oral health education for young children – from birth through age 5 – and their families. It is designed by ARCORA - The Foundation of Delta Dental of Washington, for use in Head Start and Early Head Start, child care, preschool, home visiting, and other programs. Cavity Free Kids includes a rich collection of lessons, activities, stories, songs and other resources that actively engage young children in fun-filled, play-based learning and help parents practice good oral health habits at home. Website
CDA Policy on Inclusion Spearheading the commitment to align early educator preparation with the U.S. federal policy on inclusion. Document
CDC Act early Resources and supports for developmental reviews and identifying first signs of developmental concerns. Website
CDC Autism Fact Sheet The USC University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (USC UCEDD) has translated the "Learn the Signs. Act Early" Autism Fact Sheet from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) into multiple languages to reach underserved populations. The Autism Fact Sheet provides a one-page tool for clinicians to share with families to raise awareness about developmental delay, which may be related to autism or other developmental disabilities. It is now available in Arabic, Armenian, Farsi, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Tagalog, Thai, and Vietnamese. Website
CDC Finds More Preschoolers Have Autism New federal figures indicate that autism prevalence among young children is on the rise. The findings are the latest to emerge from the CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network. Document