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Resource Name Description Resource Type
The Cost of Caring: Secondary Traumatic Stress and the Impact of Working with High-Risk Children and The purpose of this course is to present an overview of the topic of secondary trauma. The goal is to gain a better understanding of how to better serve the children we work with by making sure we are at our best. The better we understand how working with traumatized children affects us both personally and professionally the better able we will be to serve them. Website
The Creative Therapy Store The Creative Therapy Store is committed to providing the best therapeutic games, books, and toys to help you become a more creative therapist, teacher, or parent. The materials you find here will help children express themselves through creative play---through art, music, puzzles, board games, puppetry, and more Website
The Danger Zone: Children more susceptible to weight gain in summer than we think Many people still labor under the illusion that kids are more active during the summer. This common-sense logic believes that it is simply a matter of getting children to play outside and to use summer activities to gain better control of a child’s weight. The sad reality is that summer is one of the worst times for children to gain weight.  Document
The Dating Life Eileen is a high school senior in San Diego, California. She plans to attend college at California State University San Marcos in Fall, 2002. She will be majoring in Liberal Studies and working towards her teaching credential in elementary education. She enjoys playing wheelchair rugby, basketball, and soccer. She also enjoys handcycling, reading, and writing. Document
The Described and Captioned Media Program Explore our Web site to learn how we are living our mission to promote and provide equal access to communication and learning for students who are blind, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind. The Captioned Media Program provides free loan videos (no rental fee) for opened captioned videos. They have over 4,000 educational and general interest open-captioned titles available. Website
The Development of Self-Regulation and its Impact on Behavior [Sida caruurta looga dhiso isxakamaynta iyo sida ay usaamayso dabeecadaha] Badanaa adadayga ay caruurtu muujiso waxay kamid tahay korinnimadooda. In caruurta labaro ereyada laxiriira waxa ay dareemayaan iyo iskaxamaynta waa muhiim sababta oo ah waxay baa bi’isaa dabeecadaha adag caruurtana waxay bartaa sida wanaagsan oo dadka loola dhaqmo. Podcast
The Difference Between IEPs and 504 Plans Both Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and 504 plans can offer formal help for K–12 students with learning and attention issues. They’re similar in some ways but quite different in others. This chart compares them side-by-side to help you understand the differences. Document
The Difference between Typical Anxiety and an Anxiety Problem All children feel anxious from time to time. Children with learning and attention issues are more likely to struggle with anxiety. How can you tell whether a child’s anxiety is typical and appropriate or something to be worried about? Document
The Early Childhood Outcomes Center The ECO Center seeks to promote the development and implementation of child and family outcome measures for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with disabilities. These measures can be used in local, state, and national accountability systems. Activities The ECO Center actively pursues our goals by... * Collaborating with stakeholders and other groups concerned with outcomes measurement. * Researching issues related to the development and implementation of outcome measures. * Providing technical assistance to support states in developing and implementing outcome measurement systems. Website
The Emotional Environment [Dareenka ama Caadifadda Bay’adda Caruurta Laguhayyo] Maqaalkaan labaad wuxuu qaadaa dhigayaa dareenka iyo caadifadda jawiigga ilmaha lagu hayyo saamaynta ay ku leedahay dabeecadaha curuurta.  Qaabaynta iyo habeeynta bay’adda ilmahay lagu hayyo si ay caruurtu guul ugaaraan ayaa waxay tahay qodob muhiim ah oo tixgelin mudan. Podcast