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Inclusion Matters Podcast Logo

Inclusion Matters is a podcast produced by CICC. Early childhood experts discuss a wide array of important topics for early childhood professionals.

Inclusion Matters is also available on Spotify, Overcast, Google Podcasts, and Radio Public.


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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Podcastigan wuxuu ku bilaaban in ciyaartu tahay ‘shaqadii caruurta’. Ilmaha oo loo diyaariyo meel amaan ah, nugul, oo daryeel fiican leh waa siyaabo loogu diyaarin kara ilmaha Jawi Ciyaarta ku Fiican  --Maxaa yeelay ciyaartu aad bay mihiim ugu tahay dhan walba oo nolosha ilmaha maadaama ciyaartu ilmuhu ku koraan, waxna ku bartaan.

In this podcast, we begin presenting play as ‘children’s work’. In those lenses, creating safe, responsive, and nurturing environments are important parts of supporting the learning and development of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Strategies for creating play rich environment are offered in the podcast.

(Length: 11:04)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Caruurta leh baahiyaha gaarka ah: Isbeddelada (Children With Special Needs: Transitions)

Caruurta leh baahiyaha gaarka ah: Isbeddelada (Children With Special Needs: Transitions)

Podcastigan waxay ka hadlaysaa Caruurta u Baahan Caawimaada dheeraadka ah iyo waqtiyadaTransitions. Labadan mowduuc waa kuwo macalimiinta iyo daryeelayaashu inta badan dhib u arkaan ka hadalkood. Balse maaqaalku wuxuu ka hadlaa sida Ilmaha u baahan caawimaadda dheeraad ka ah loo caawiyo waqtiga transitionka, waqtigaas oo ah xiliga u dhexeeya waqtiga ilmuhu dhameeyaan ciyaarta ama hawl ay gacanta ku hayeen noqoto inay joojiyaan tu-kalana bilaabaana. Waxay siin daryeelaha siyaabo badan oo waqtigan looga dhigo mid u fudud ilmaha iyo daryeelahaba.


(Length: 11:54)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Staying safe outside

Staying safe outside

In this second episode of this two-part series on outdoor play and extending the classroom outside, Brenda Lowe and Dana Ellingson take a deeper dive into the benefits of outdoor play. They discuss the Early Childhood Educator's role in playing outside and also more intentional opportunities utilizing common outdoor and classroom materials that can extend the learning experience that engage children and ignite their natural curiosity.

(Length: 18:44)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Considerations for outdoor play and safety

Considerations for outdoor play and safety

In this first episode of this two-part series on extending the Early Childhood classroom outdoors, Brenda Lowe and Dana Ellingson discuss the importance of outdoor play and some health and safety concerns to consider. They discuss using practical and creative ways to expand the classroom learning to the great outdoors and also how that in itself can present many rewards and challenges.  In addition to health and safety concerns for children, topics of cultural responsiveness and respecting parental concerns are addressed when thinking about supporting outdoor play. 

(Length: 15:30)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Welcoming Babies! Partnering with Parents to Ease the Transition to Child Care

Welcoming Babies! Partnering with Parents to Ease the Transition to Child Care

How do we welcome babies and their families into our childcare programs? Join Beth Menninga, RBPD Manager at CICC, as she talks with Sheryl Warner, Family Child Care Provider, as Sheryl describes her walk with parents and babies who are coming to her childcare program for the first time. Attending to parenting approaches; ongoing conversation and coordination; helping children adapt to new routines; self-awareness and tenderness are all discussed as a part of establishing the relationship with families as a key element to welcoming babies.

(Length: 21:52)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Outdoor Learning Part 2 (Changing the Scenery and Safety Concerns)

Outdoor Learning Part 2 (Changing the Scenery and Safety Concerns)


Joey Schoen from Dodge Nature Preschool continues our discussion of outdoor learning and shares about ways to set up for success.  Communication and planning are essential components. Listen and learn ways you can use items that you may have in inventory that will enhance the play outdoors!

(Length: 21:42)