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Inclusion Matters Podcast Logo

Inclusion Matters is a podcast produced by CICC. Early childhood experts discuss a wide array of important topics for early childhood professionals.

Inclusion Matters is also available on Spotify, Overcast, Google Podcasts, and Radio Public.


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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Challenging Behavior--Putting the Pause Button between Impulse and Action [Dabeecadaha adag: Xakamaynta damaca inta uusan cunugu ficil qaadin]

Challenging Behavior--Putting the Pause Button between Impulse and Action [Dabeecadaha adag: Xakamaynta damaca inta uusan cunugu ficil qaadin]

Markii macalinka ubadka yar yar waxbara uu cunugu laficiltamo, qof guuleeysanaya majiro.  Waxaan rabnaa caruurtu in ay bartaan in ay iskood wax u qabsadaan in ay yeeshaan xilkasnimo.  Waxaa masana lagarabaa caruurtii in ay waafaqsanyihiin nadaamka kajira goobta xanaanada iyo wax barashada iyo in ay bulshada xiriir wanaagsan lasamaystaan.  Maqaalkaan wuxuu kusiinayaa xeelado aad kaga caawinaysid caruurta in ay dhanka wanaagsan wax ka abaaran.


Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Challenging Behavior--Power Struggle With Young Children [Dabeecadaha adag: Caruurtoo kulaficiltama oo ay halkaa kadhalato halgan awoodeed ]

Challenging Behavior--Power Struggle With Young Children [Dabeecadaha adag: Caruurtoo kulaficiltama oo ay halkaa kadhalato halgan awoodeed ]

Badanaa dabeecadaha adag oo ilmaha lagu arko waa wax kamid ah korrinnimadooda inta ay korayaan oo ay laqabsanayaan bulshada.  Caruurta in labaro sida ay waxa ay dareemayan u sheegan karaan iyo in labaro xirfado kale oo laxiriira isxakamaynta waxay tirtiri kartaa gardarrada oo ilmaha kale lagugardaroodo ayagoo baranayaa macaamil wanaagsan.

(Length: 11:22)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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The Fundamentals of Consultation [Muhiimadda ay Leedahay Tala Qaadashada]

The Fundamentals of Consultation [Muhiimadda ay Leedahay Tala Qaadashada]

Muxuuyahay tababarka ama latalinta xagga Inclusion’ka ama kamidnoqoshada ay caruurtu carruurta kale lamid noqonayso iyo sida ay faa’iido ugu tahay caruurta xanaanada ubadka yaryar lagu hayyo jooga oo baaahida gaarka ah leh?  Podcast’kaan waa podacast ama maqaalka uguhoreeya maqaalada xirrirka ah oo laxirrira arinta tababarka ama latalinta xagga caruurta sida ay kuwa kale oga mid noqon lahaayeen.

(Length: 8:06)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Biting Concerns with Infants and Toddlers: Part Two

Biting Concerns with Infants and Toddlers: Part Two

In Part 2 of the series on biting behaviors, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel will offer strategies for both prevention and intervention of biting in early childhood programs.

(Length: 11:47)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Biting Concerns with Infants and Toddlers: Part One

Biting Concerns with Infants and Toddlers: Part One

In this podcast, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel will look at the reasons behind infant and toddler biting behaviors from a development lens.

(Length: 11:32)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Family & Caregiver Partnerships--Infants & Toddlers

Family & Caregiver Partnerships--Infants & Toddlers

In this podcast, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel discuss the importance of building a strong partnership between families and your child care program to benefit infants and toddlers ongoing development. We will include strategies for building relationships.


(Length: 12:01)
Infant Toddler